Foundations For Safety Leadership (FSL)

FSL4Res Primary Training Materials

Below are all the key resources you will need to teach the FSL4Res, plus materials to enhance the classroom experience. You can also access additional supporting and supplemental materials and learn more about the FSL.


FSL4Res Single Session cover

Instructor Guide —  Single Session

This guide is designed for situations when the entire FSL4Res will be covered in a single session. Before beginning, instructors should review the short introductory section to learn about the presentation structure and content and about suggestions for time management.

FSL4Res Single Session slide

Single Session FSL4Res PowerPoint

This presentation is designed for situations when the entire FSL4Res will be covered in a single session.

FSL4Res Student Handbook cover

Single Session Student Handout
Includes key slides, written scenarios, and note-taking area.


Cover of the FSL4Res Multi-session Instructor Guide

Multi-Session Instructor Guide

These 40-minute sessions can be used by those who want to use the FSL4Res but may not have 2.5 hours to present the whole thing at one time.

FSL4Res Multi-Session Student Handbook

Multi-Session Student Handout
Includes key slides, written scenarios, and note-taking area.


Paper Airplane Activity

Using this Paper Airplane Activity during your training is a great way to demonstrate the importance of practicing 3-way communication

FSL4Res Skill Sheet

Skill Sheets 

Download and use these two-page skill sheets with a two-minute refresher video to remind folks of the FSL4Res leadership practices and give them the opportunity to set goals and be accountable.

You can access the videos using the QR code on the skill sheets.

FSL4Res Addtional Scenarios

Additional Scenarios

Responding to trainer requests, we created 3 new scenarios (along with instructor teaching information) showing some other trades. You can use one or more of these in your FSL4Res training.


The posters can be printed in poster size (see suggested dimensions below), hung in the trailer or classroom where you conduct your FSL4Res training, and used as part of your scenario discussions. You might consider laminating them so they can be reused.

FSL4Res Leadership poster

The FSL4Res Leadership Skills Poster
Contains a table listing the leadership skills and good leadership actions. Suggested printing dimensions: 34” x 44”

Certificate of completion
At the end of class, you may want to give your students a certificate of completion to make it official that they’ve taken the first step to becoming a safety leader.


Responses to frequently asked questions about the FSL4Res training.