Research findings ready to put into practice (r2p) and emerging issues (p2r) are identified and prioritized with input from the OSHA-NIOSH-CPWR r2p Working Group and stakeholder partnerships. Learn about the hazards, the solutions, and dissemination strategies resulting from this part of CPWR’s r2p initiative:
- Technology Transfer — Recommendations and resources resulting from the CPWR symposium “Best Practices for Health and Safety Technology Transfer in Construction.
- Reaching Vulnerable Workers – Research and resources identified through roundtable and partner discussions to address the often intertwined topics of reaching small construction companies, and addressnig the needs of Latino workers, young workers, and women in the trades.
- Career Technical Education – Results of research to identify the pathways to reach workers receiving safety and health training through career technical education (CTE) programs
- Preventing Hearing Loss – Tools, training programs, and tools, including NIOSH’s BuyQuiet Program and Sound Level Meter App, resources from NIOSH’s Mining Division, and CPWR’s comprehensive Construction Noise & Hearing Loss Prevention Program.