Current Research

Advancing Heat Safety in Construction

Gavin West

[email protected]

Research Team
Sara Brooks, Cora Roelofs

This project will address heat-related health risks among construction workers, aiming to decrease heat stress incidence and reduce inequities in heat-related illness and injury risk. The first stage of this work will identify construction activities that pose a high risk of heat stress and collect context-rich information about the implementation of new and continuing heat stress solutions. Methods will include analyzing case narratives, conducting jobsite evaluations and interviews, administering surveys, and creating an advisory committee to help interpret results–all as part of creating intervention strategies. The second will develop targeted guidance, practical resources, and intervention strategies to prevent heat-related morbidity and mortality, such as creating planning tools and measuring their uptake and impact. The final aspect of this project will measure heat-related morbidity, mortality, and the adoption of heat safety solutions by analyzing national surveillance data, surveying a large representative panel of construction firms, and developing interactive data tools.