Current Research

Collaborative Leadership for Safety and Health in Construction

Natalie Schwatka

University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus
Email: [email protected]

Research Team
Liliana Tenney, Olivia Zarella, Jennifer Cavallari,
Suzanne Nobrega, Serena Rice


A key element in reducing work-related incidents and improving worker well-being in the construction industry is assisting firms in making organizational changes that enhance workforce safety and health. This project will develop, implement, evaluate, and disseminate a toolkit, the Collaborative Leadership for Safety and Health in Construction (CL-SHC), designed to enhance the skills and practices of managers, supervisors, and workers, enabling them to collaborate effectively in developing and implementing solutions. Building on successful safety and health initiatives, including the Foundations for Safety Leadership training and the Healthy Worker Participatory Program, this project will proceed in three main stages:

  1. Toolkit Development: With guidance from an advisory board, the research team will create the CL-SHC toolkit by adapting existing toolkits.
  2. Implementation and Evaluation: The team will implement and evaluate the toolkit by working with eight contractors.
  3. Dissemination: The toolkit will be distributed broadly, with support from intermediary organizations such as unions, contractor associations, professional safety and health organizations, workers’ compensation insurers, and OSHA.