Construction Industry Data and Statistical Core
Amber Trueblood
Research Team
William Harris, Derek Dufoe
The Data Center will continue to build on thirty years of work that has earned it recognition as the one-stop shop for high-quality construction safety and health statistics. As in the past, its work will include collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to track and characterize hazards, exposures, injuries, illnesses, disabilities, as well as worker and industry characteristics. In addition, the Data Center will develop and evaluate a process for characterizing the content of injury narratives to obtain information beyond what is typically included in structured data. Throughout this work it will also identify new data sources and methodologies to improve understanding of safety and health concerns impacting the construction workforce and industry. Data visualization and dissemination efforts will continue but may change, as the Data Center plans to conduct surveys and interviews with data users to guide its efforts so they best meet the needs of people across the construction industry.