Mental Health in the Construction Industry

Resources to Prevent Suicide Deaths in Construction

988 crisis line graphicIn 2021, construction workers were disproportionately affected by suicide deaths. Almost one-fifth (17.9%) of deaths by suicide where occupational industry was reported were in construction, despite construction workers accounting for only 7.4% of the workforce.1 It has been apparent for a number of years now that the construction industry has one of the highest suicide rates compared to other industries.2

There is not a simple answer to why this increase has occurred – particularly among construction workers. However, just as we develop and identify resources to help workers and employers prevent visible injuries and illnesses, we are also committed to preventing those that may be less visible but equally as important to the safety, health, and well-being of the construction workforce.

There are a growing number of resources available to help organizations and individuals understand the issue, start a conversation, and play a role in supporting friends, co-workers and family members. The list below is intended to help construction employers, unions and workers quickly find information on suicide prevention.

New Newsletter on Addressing Suicide and Opioids

NABTU and CPWR have launched a newsletter to help the construction industry prevent suicides and deaths from opioids. REASON (Resources and Effective programs Addressing Suicides and Opioids Now) responds to these pressing issues by sharing comprehensive solutions, important research, and free resources that highlight positive steps being taken.

Subscribe now to receive future issues and read the previous ones:

Click on a topic to see a list of linked resources.
Hazard Alert Card, Toolbox Talks, and Infographics
Training Programs
  • CPWR: Building Resilience – Training Activities to Promote Construction Worker Well-being
    A free discussion-based training with 9 modules that cover topics such as general health, opioid awareness, suicide awareness, and motivational interviewing. Each module can be taught in 30–50-minute sessions — pick and choose those that work for you. Accompanying the training are introductory slides.
  • CIASP: Suicide Prevention Training
    A 60–90-minute training that teaches you to recognize the signs and what to do if you are worried about someone. CIASP offers this LivingWorks training for free for up to 5 people within your organization.
Webinars, Blogs

1Harris W, Trueblood AB, Yohannes T, Rodman CP, Rinehart R. Suicides among construction workers in the United States, 2021. Am J Ind Med. 2024; 1-8. doi:10.1002/ajim.23632

2Sussell A, Peterson C, Li J, Miniño A, Scott KA, Stone DM. Suicide Rates by Industry and Occupation — National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72:1346–1350. DOI: