Tools & Guides to Reach the Industry (e.g. tech transfer, vulnerable workers, partnerships)
The resources in this section can be used by both industry stakeholders, such as contractors, trainers, and workers, and researchers, to advance the use of a solution for a hazard, improve the industry’s safety culture and climate, and connect with specific groups within the industry who could benefit most from research findings and interventions.
Technology Transfer Resources
Tech transfer can be a barrier or a pathway to moving safer tools and equipment to the marketplace and onto job sites. A CPWR sponsored Construction Industry Technology Transfer Symposium found that researchers and other stakeholders needed more information on working with manufacturers and obtaining patents and licenses. The final Symposium report and recommendations led to the development of several resources, listed on this page, that can be used to further researchers’ understanding and increase their capacity for technology transfer.
Safety Climate Workbook
The workbook, Strengthening Jobsite Safety Climate by Using and Improving Leading Indicators – Eight Worksheets to Help You Use and Improve Leading Indicators, is designed to help construction managers, safety professionals, and hourly craft workers assess their company’s safety culture maturity level and prioritize ideas to improve their safety climate.
Resources on Reaching Vulnerable Workers
Young workers, Latino workers, new entrants to the industry, and those working for small contractors have been found to be at a higher risk for an injury or fatality than the construction workforce as a whole. Reaching these workers and their employers can be challenging because they are often unorganized and work on very small or isolated projects.
Construction Research to Practice (r2p) Partnership Toolkit — Provides step-by-step advice, tools, case studies, and partnership models to help establish, foster, and sustain such collaborations.
Construction Safety & Health Network
The online Construction Safety & Health Network was created to provide an easy way for stakeholders to share research findings and outputs with their networks and to connect construction safety and health researchers, intermediaries, and industry stakeholders in need of each other’s expertise in support of research.
The CPWR, OSHA and NIOSH Database and Outreach Resource
(CONDOR) is a contact resource developed to do targeted outreach on critical health and safety innovations, emerging issues, and new findings to those who need and can act on this information. The database includes contact information for thousands of construction contractors, government officials, health and safety professionals, university-based researchers, labor representatives, trade press and others.